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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Thrive. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 15 settembre 2020

ThriveMovement: The time has come - THRIVE II

Dear Friend of Thrive,

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of:
THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes 

Here is a link to the trailer on our new website,  The film will be released in 15 languages on September 26, 2020.  Please make note of this new URL so that our messages get through to you.

Check out the trailer here, and please share it far and wide.  We are relying on grassroots networks to spread the word.

With our gratitude for your ongoing support,
Foster, Kimberly and the ThriveOn Team
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ThriveMovement:  Privacy Policy  //  Terms of Use
Copyright © 2020 Thrive Movement International, Inc, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Thrive Movement International, Inc
P.O. Box 40
Capitola, CA 95010

sabato 25 febbraio 2017

Haramein/ the Cosmos - Hold Onto Your Shorts!

I recently had the pleasure of attending the world premiere of a new documentary film called The Connected Universe in Hollywood. It was absolutely fascinating.

Featuring the work of my close friend and THRIVE pioneer Nassim Haramein – one of the great visionary scientists of our time - the film explains the science behind the interconnection of all things in our universe.

It is with great pleasure that I can now announce the online availability of the film. Get some popcorn, prepared to be awed, set aside an evening with some dear ones and check it out!


Copyright © 2017 Clear Compass Media, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Clear Compass Media
P.O. Box 40
Capitola, CA 95010

sabato 22 novembre 2014

THRIVE - Prospera: Che Cosa Ci Vorrà Mai

THRIVE è un documentario non convenzionale che seguendo la via del denaro solleva il velo su quello che sta REALMENTE accadendo nel nostro mondo -- scoprendo il consolidamento globale del potere in quasi ogni aspetto della nostra vita. Intrecciando innovazioni nel campo della scienza, della Coscienza e dell'attivismo, THRIVE offre soluzioni reali che tramite strategie inedite e coraggiose possono davvero permetterci di bonificare le nostre vite ed il nostro futuro.