mercoledì 20 aprile 2016

The D Daily is out! Edition of 20 April 2016

The D Daily
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20 April 2016
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World Politics Science Art & Entertainment Business Leisure #trump #infowars
Pulitzer Prize Awarded to AP Investigation "Seafood from Slaves"
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Democracy Now!
thumbnail www­.democracynow­.org - Voters in New York are heading to the polls today for one of the most closely watched races of the election. Donald Trump is leading on the Republican side, while Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton...
New York Voters Head to Polls Today in Closely Watched Primary
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Democracy Now!
thumbnail www­.democracynow­.org - Meanwhile, more than 300 people were arrested Monday in Washington, D.C., in a mass civil disobedience to protest against the influence of big money and corporate lobbying in politics. Monday's dem...
Humorous yard signs paint Trump as anti-Pittsburgh ahead of Pa. primaries
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thumbnail www­.usatoday­.com - "Trump Hates Pierogies": a psychiatrist's approach to an absurd election, @asmeltz reports With just under two weeks until Pennsylvania's presidential primaries, one Pittsbu...
Rap Song Threatens Riots, Trump Assassination; Media Celebrates
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Paul Joseph Watson
thumbnail www­.infowars­.com - A new viral rap song that encourages the assassination of Donald Trump and calls for riots of he wins the presidency is being celebrated by the music media. Entitled 'F**k Donald Trump', the track ...
Arabie saoudite : le projet de loi sur le 11-Septembre qui empoisonne Barack Obama
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thumbnail www­.lemonde­.fr - Interrogé par la chaîne CBS, lundi 18 avril, Barack Obama s'est dit opposé à un projet de loi qui permettrait de traduire les dirigeants saoudiens devant des tribunaux américains pour les attentats...
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lunedì 11 aprile 2016

The D Daily is out! Edition of 11 April 2016

The D Daily
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11 April 2016
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World Science Politics Art & Entertainment Business Environment #trump #bernie
« Nuit debout », un mouvement à dormir debout, par Thierry Meyssan
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Thierry Meyssan
thumbnail www­.voltairenet­.org - La presse parisienne se pâme devant la naissance d'un mouvement politique, « Nuit debout ». Des centaines de personnes se rassemblent sur les grandes places des principales villes françaises pour d...
KCSB-FM Presents AMY GOODMAN of "Democracy Now!" at UCSB - Sunday, April 10th, 730pm. Tickets Now Available! - KCSB-FM 91.9 in Santa Barbara
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Democracy Now!
thumbnail www­.kcsb­.org - On Sunday, April 10th,  730pm, in KCSB-FM 91.9 co-presents Amy Goodman, the creator of "Democracy Now!," the United States' largest public-media collaboration, as she returns to UCSB for a lecture ...
Il se lève avec l'envie de changer le monde et se recouche après avoir constaté qu'il n'y avait plus de café
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thumbnail www­.legorafi­.fr - C'est l'histoire d'un rendez-vous raté avec l'Histoire. Alors qu'il s'était réveillé avec la ferme intention de changer l'humanité, Clément Charbon, 26 ans, à court de café, a été contraint de reno...
Labour councillor, 20, suspended over anti-Semitic tweets  
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Paul Joseph Watson
thumbnail www­.dailymail­.co­.uk - A Labour councillor has been suspended for shockingly offensive anti-Semitic tweets, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The discovery of Aysegul Gurbuz's vile comments is the latest in a series of anti...
Top secret "28 pages" may hold clues about Saudi support for 9/11 hijackers
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thumbnail www­.cbsnews­.com - Current and former members of Congress, U.S. officials, 9/11 Commissioners and the families of the attack's victims want 28 top-secret pages of a congressional report released. Bob Graham, the form...
WorldSciencePoliticsArt & EntertainmentBusinessEnvironment#trump#bernie
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sabato 9 aprile 2016

Gli Ufo nella Mente, presentazione del nuovo libro di Corrado Malanga 23 aprile 2016

Sabato 23 Aprile c/o Centro Congressi - Cesena Fiera
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Gli Ufo nella Mente
Evento con Corrado Malanga
Gli Ufo nella Mente. Presentazione del Libro con l'autore Corrado Malanga

Gli Ufo nella Mente Gli Ufo nella mente è il fedele resoconto delle sedute di ipnosi regressiva dell'addotto Valerio Lonzi. In questo libro, dallo strepitoso successo all'epoca della sua prima pubblicazione quasi vent'anni fa, Malanga condivide con il lettore ciascun passaggio della sua ricerca, raccontando le difficoltà incontrate e i successi conseguiti, nonché le incredibili scoperte e le sconcertanti rivelazioni con cui ebbe a cimentarsi nel corso del lavoro di emersione dei ricordi sepolti nella memoria del Lonzi.

In un crescendo emotivo sempre più coinvolgente, quest'opera costituisce una delle testimonianze italiane più accurate e toccanti del fenomeno delle abduction aliene e del vissuto profondo dei repeaters, persone ripetutamente soggette a rapimenti alieni.

Corrado Malanga torna dunque a parlare del fenomeno abduction alla luce dell'evoluzione del suo pensiero che lo ha portato negli ultimi anni a scoprire la realtà di Evideon.
La presentazione del libro si svolgerà Sabato 23 Aprile 2016 presso il Centro Congressi di Cesena Fiera dalle 15:30 alle 18:30, a seguire firma autografi.
Prezzo € 12,30 + IVA (€ 15,00)
Gli Ufo nella Mente Corrado Malanga
Gli Ufo nella Mente. Presentazione del Libro con l'autore Corrado Malanga

Organizzato da: La.Ri.Co.
Data: Sabato 23 Aprile 2016
Luogo: Centro Congressi di Cesena Fiera
€ 12,30 + IVA (€ 15,00)

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Il giorno del corso sarà da saldare in loco la quota d'iscrizione all'associazione La.Ri.Co. (€ 10,00)
Corrado Malanga
Nato a La Spezia nel 1951, Corrado Malanga è Ricercatore in Chimica organica presso il Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale dell'Università degli Studi di Pisa, nonché autore di diverse pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche internazionali.

La sua grande fama nasce dalla ricerca nel campo degli UFO, che porta avanti da oltre trent'anni e nell'ambito della quale ha formulato tesi di straordinaria originalità e importante stimolo, in particolare in merito al fenomeno delle abduction aliene. Con Spazio Interiore ha già pubblicato Genesi (2013), Coscienza (2013), Evideon – L'Anima dei colori (2014) e La Geometria Sacra in Evideon (2015).

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I libri di Corrado Malanga
Genesi - Uomo, Universo e Mito
Genesi - Uomo, Universo e Mito
Alieni o Demoni
Alieni o Demoni
La Geometria Sacra in Evideon
La Geometria Sacra in Evideon
11,90( -15% )
Vymaanika Shaastra
Vymaanika Shaastra
Vedi tutti › Prenota ora il corso ›

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DAVID ICKE. World Wide Wake Up Tour 2016/2017 - Rimini - 22 Ottobre 2016
DAVID ICKE. World Wide Wake Up Tour 2016/2017 - Rimini - 22 Ottobre 2016
65,00( -32% )

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Macrolibrarsi - Benessere di Corpo, Mente e Spirito
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lunedì 4 aprile 2016

The D Daily is out! Edition of 04 April 2016

The D Daily
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04 April 2016
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World Business Politics Art & Entertainment Stories Technology #trump #gop
Human Rights Advocates: U.S.-Backed Saudi Offensive in Yemen a "Dark Mark" on Obama's Presidency
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Democracy Now!
thumbnail www­.democracynow­.org - visiting scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, Lebanon. In 2013, he testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on the U.S. secret drone program. He is also the co-fo...
UN Report: Turkey Is Main Supplier Of Weapons To ISIS
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Gianfranco D'Angelosante
thumbnail yournewswire­.com - Moscow has submitted evidence of Turkey's illegal arming of ISIS militants in Syria to the UN Security Council, saying that Turkey are the biggest sponsor of terrorism and supplier of weapons to IS...
Socialism in Venezuela Cannot Be Implemented by Decree – A Speech By Hugo Chavez
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Global Research
thumbnail www­.globalresearch­.ca - On October 7th, 2012, after hearing of his victory as the nation's candidate with 56 percent of the vote, President Hugo Chávez Frias announced from a balcony in his hometown that a new cycle was b...
Les États-Unis existent-ils encore?
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thumbnail www­.mondialisation­.ca - Pour répondre à la question posée dans le titre, nous devons savoir en quoi consistent les États-Unis. C'est un groupe ethnique, une collection de bâtiments et de ressources, une masse terrestre av...
National Revulsion Against Trump Reaching Critical Mass; GOP Operatives Eye Terrorism on Scale of Paris or Brussels As Possible Outside Event to Save Republican Ticket «
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tarpley­.net - Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. In the two weeks...
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