giovedì 8 settembre 2016

Newsletter Thomas Torelli: Offerta "Pachamama" • Convegni • Eventi Settembre

Un'offerta da non perdere per tutte le persone che seguono Thomas Torelli e desiderano approfondire i temi a lui più cari!

Offertona Pacchetto Dvd "Pachamama: Manifesto per la Madre Terra"Dvd "Un Altro Mondo" Edizione Speciale (con 1 ora di contenuti extra) + Un Altro Mondo - Il libro a soli 40 euro, compresa la spedizione con corriere privato in tre giorni.

Un'occasione per saperne di più, non lasciatevela scappare!
Ordina il tuo pacchetto
"Pachamama", il film documentario di Thomas Torelli tratto dal materiale inedito del film "Un Altro Mondo" è stato realizzato con l'intento di supportare la campagna di Alberto Ruz Buenfil per la creazione di una carta dei diritti di Madre Terra. Se anche tu vuoi sostenere questo progetto organizzando una proiezione, contattaci a:

Insieme "Un altro mondo" sarà possibile, condividete, parlatene e agite insieme a noi.
In lak'ech!
Leggi "Il Buon Vivere e i Diritti della Madre Terra" di Alberto Ruz
Conferenza di Thomas Torelli "Nuove prospettive per interpretare la realtà"
11.09.01 - 11.09.16. Esattamente a distanza di 15 anni.. una serata densa di racconti e riflessioni, dove poter riscrivere una storia raccontata dai vinti, anziché dai vincitori.

Oggi più che mai siamo testimoni di un grande cambiamento. Persino la "Storia Ufficiale", cambiando punto di vista, inizia ad apparire come una necessità di veicolare una coscienza collettiva, anziché analizzare e riportare dei fatti. E se la verità non fosse unica ed assoluta come ci è sempre stata raccontata?

Con queste nuove date di Thomas Torelli dove si parlerà appunto dell'11 settembre (cause, fatti, conseguenze) si apre una nuova opportunità di riconsiderare la storia da un'altra prospettiva. 
Vi aspettiamo! Per maggiori dettagli e informazioni visita il nostro sito: 

10 settembre a Bologna
11 settembre a Verona
12 settembre a Ferrara

"In Lak'ech e l'Armonia della Vita si incontrano per creare un altro mondo"

Manca pochissimo alla serata di venerdì 16 Settembre a Burolo (TO), uno splendido evento con gli interventi di Emiliano Toso e la sua musica a 432hz (accompagnato da Lorena Borsetti al violoncello) e Thomas Torelli con il suo intervento dal titolo "In Lak'ech: tutto è uno" .

Un Altro Mondo a 432Hz: una serata indimenticabile ricca di emozioni e significati. Vi aspettiamo!
Più informazioni

Amici del Veneto stiamo arrivando!

Manca poco al prossimo convegno di Un Altro Mondo per un Giorno, dopo i successi di San Bonifacio (VR), Roma, San Marino, Catania e Messina, vi aspettiamo a Gorgo al Monticano (Treviso) per vivere una giornata indimenticabile con gli interventi di Massimo Citro su come la scienza moderna possa condizionare la nostra vita, Antonio Giacchetti sul tempo e il sincronario Maya, Emiliano Toso e la musica a 432hz Thomas Torelli con il suo intervento dal titolo Da "Un altro mondo" a "Food Relovution": verso un nuovo paradigma.

Partecipa al convegno, invita i tuoi amici, diventa parte del messaggio che ha creato un vero movimento spontaneo di unione tra persone che desiderano un mondo migliore. Vi aspettiamo!
Prenota il tuo biglietto
I prossimi appuntamenti!

Questi mesi ci sono ancora tante nuove occasioni per incontrarci, ecco tutti gli appuntamenti di Settembre 2016:
Cuneo - Venerdì 9 settembre: Proiezione di "Un Altro Mondocon Thomas Torelli. Con la partecipazione di Massimo Citro, Carlo Pastorino, Romeo Frigiola

Bologna - Sabato 10 settembre: Conferenza "Da Un Altro Mondo a Food ReLOVution" con Thomas Torelli  in occasione del "VeganFest" nell'ambito del SANA

Bologna - Sabato 10 settembre: Conferenza "Nuove prospettive per interpretare la realtà: 11.09.01 – 11.09.16.con Thomas Torelli

Verona - Domenica 11 settembre: Conferenza "Nuove prospettive per interpretare la realtà: 11.09.01 – 11.09.16.
con Thomas Torelli

Ferrara - Lunedì 12 settembre: Conferenza "Nuove prospettive per interpretare la realtà: 11.09.01 – 11.09.16." con Thomas Torelli

Burolo (Torino) - Venerdì 16 settembre: Evento "Un Altro Mondo a 472 Hz" con Thomas Torelli ed Emiliano Toso

Roma - Domenica 18 settembre: Conferenza
"Da Un Altro Mondo a Food ReLOVution: nuovi paradigmi per cambiare il mondo" con Thomas Torelli

Savona - Domenica 18 settembre: Proiezione di "Un Altro Mondo" di Thomas Torelli

Gorgo al Monticano (Treviso) - Sabato 24 settembre: "In viaggio verso Un Altro Mondo a 432 HZ": Concerto (di Emiliano Toso) di apertura Convegno "Un Altro Mondo per un Giorno"

Gorgo al Monticano (Treviso) - Domenica 25 settembre: Convegno "Un Altro Mondo per un Giorno" con Massimo Citro, Antonio Giacchetti, Thomas Torelli ed Emiliano Toso

Guarda tutti i dettagli
Grazie a tutte le persone che ci stanno aiutando a far conoscere questa iniziativa condividendola con i propri amici, con il passaparola e il vostro aiuto possiamo arrivare a tutti coloro che vorrebbero vivere questa esperienza. Insieme tutto è possibile.

Grazie a tutti, continuate a seguirci!
In Lak'ech

Thomas Torelli e tutto il team

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mercoledì 7 settembre 2016

Elon Musk News - Issue 37 🚀🚗🌇

"Wait until you see the real steering controls and system for the 3. It feels like a spaceship."

Elon Musk News

ISSUE 37 🚀🚗🌇  August 23rd 2016

Here are the top 3 stories in this issue of Elon Musk News:
  1. SpaceX puts historic flown rocket on permanent display
  2. 'I want my family back in a Tesla' says father after surviving severe crash in a Model X
  3. Here's how solar roofs fit into Elon Musk's master plan
EVANNEX recently released an article where they analyzed the scope of Elon Musk's social media following. It turns out that with nearly 5 million Twitter followers Elon has a greater following than Ford, Chevrolet and Chrysler combined! Not only that, his Twitter followers are 8-12X more engaged. That's pretty amazing when you consider Tesla's advertising budget is $0.
Thanks for joining me on this journey, and enjoy issue 37!
Zachary K.D.
A special thank-you to ClipperCreek for sponsoring this issue

Featured Quote

"Wait until you see the real steering controls and system for the 3. It feels like a spaceship."

— Elon Musk
Quote from @elonmusk | Photo from Steve Jurvetson

  Sponsored Link  

ClipperCreek Releases Tesla Pedestal

The pedestal supports the 2nd generation Tesla Wall Connector as well as ClipperCreek charging stations. The dual pedestal is popular with businesses that want to offer charging for all electric cars; a Tesla EVSE can be mounted on one side and a ClipperCreek universal EVSE can be mounted on the other. Click here to read more

Elon Musk News

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has more Twitter followers than Ford, Chevy, and Chrysler Combined

Elon Musk approaches buzz like no other car company executive. According to Advertising Age, "Tesla Motors has no advertising, no ad agency... and that's no problem." That's right, Tesla's advertising budget is $0. In contrast, let's look at what other big automakers spend on advertising. For context, automakers typically rank as the biggest ad spenders in any industry. Here is a sampling — Chrysler: $1.97 billion, GM: $2.15 billion, and Ford: a whopping $2.56 billion.


SpaceX puts historic flown rocket on permanent display

Crews outside the SpaceX's headquarters in Southern California on Saturday positioned the booster that stuck the first Falcon 9 rocket landing for vertical display, and now the launcher is an unmistakable Space Age trophy visible to passersby on nearby streets and freeways.
Read the full article | Photo from Gene Blevins/LA Daily News

NASA's Latest Spacewalk Kickstarts the ISS' SpaceX and Boeing Era

The era of space shuttles visiting the ISS is making way for a new one, where private companies visit with their own crafts. On Friday, that dream came one step closer to reality, as two NASA astronauts, commander Jeff Williams and flight engineer Kate Rubins, undertook a spacewalk to attach a new international docking adopter (IDA).
The adopter will allow spacecraft like the SpaceX Crew Dragon to dock with the ISS. SpaceX delivered the IDA last month, its ninth mission with NASA. In May, Boeing announced a launch date of 2018 for its first Starliner manned flight. The pressure is on SpaceX to beat Boeing to the punch and send its first crew to the ISS, a race that officially started Friday with the dock installation. The IDA opens the door to commercial space travel in a big way. "That is the next major chapter," said Williams.
Read the full article | Photo from NASA

Curiosity Rover's Panoramic Photo Shows What Humans Might See on Mars

NASA has released an image from the Curiosity rover so we Earthlings can get a new glimpse at Mars. The image was made from more than 130 pictures taken by the rover on August 5, and it shows the area called "Murray Buttes" on the lower part of Mount Sharp.
Elon Musk wants to send an unmanned spacecraft to Mars by 2018. NASA said in July that it believes it can send astronauts to conduct a fly-by of Mars by 2033. Musk hopes to beat that by sending humans to Mars in 2024.


'I want my family back in a Tesla' says father after surviving severe crash in a Model X

Orthopaedic surgeon Jonathan Braman has spent a lot of time working on patients injured in violent car accidents. That's why he knew what to expect for his family and himself after his Tesla Model X was struck by a large GMC truck at over 45 mph after it ran a red light. To his surprise however, all 6 passengers (and his dog) walked away from the severe accident. Braman credits Tesla and Elon Musk for keeping his family away from serious injury or death by designing what could very well be one of the safest vehicles ever built.
Read the full article | Photo from Jonathan Braman

Bob Lutz compares Tesla to socialism after GM took $11B from taxpayers under his reign

When asked "will Tesla still exist 20 years from now?" Bob said: "As it is presently, no. As they say, "Socialism is great until they run out of other people's money." Tesla burns cash. It's not a car company, it's a cult of fanatics who think Elon Musk can do no wrong. But financially, it doesn't work."
The comment is particularly interesting because under his reign at GM (2001-2010), the automaker went bankrupt and accepted a huge bailout from the government, which ultimately cost $11.2 billion to taxpayers. That's a big difference with the few millions of dollars taxpayers actually made from Tesla repaying its $465 million Department of Energy loan – money from a separate program than the auto bailout, but awarded around the same time.

Tesla reduces entry price for the Model S to $593/month, introduces new 2-year lease option to hold you until Model 3

During a conference call discussing Tesla's second quarter financial results earlier this month, CEO Elon Musk said that the automaker was expecting its percentage of new vehicle leases versus direct purchases to significantly increase during the next quarter and now we know why.
Tesla introduced last night a new 2-year lease option for the Model S and Model X that brings the entry price to driving Tesla vehicles down to only $593 per month, but only for orders placed by September 12th.

Tesla Model 3: What will the spaceship-like steering wheel of the Model 3 look like?

Tesla carefully made sure that any promotional picture or third-party photoshoot would not feature the interior of the prototypes, presumably because it will be nothing like the production version. While everyone is focused on the horizontal center touchscreen and speculating about a potential heads-up display, which I admit is likely, I am most interested in the steering wheel.
The one on the prototype was unfinished-looking and Musk confirmed that it's not "the real steering system". He referred to it as a "system" and not a "wheel" on a few occasions.

Tesla could double Model X deliveries in the third quarter

Tesla has about 35,000 Model X reservations with paid deposits but has delivered only 7,200 so far. Until recently, Tesla was not even offering Model X test drives at its stores, suggesting that it was seeking to constrain new orders until such time as it could get Model X production ramped up successfully.
Based on his analysis, Sparks believes that Tesla will deliver a total of 20,000 to 23,000 cars in the third quarter, split about equally between Model S sedans and Model X SUVs. Tesla could go into the fourth quarter with strong numbers and finish the year by delivering close to 90,000 vehicles.


Here's how solar roofs fit into Elon Musk's master plan

Since then, the roofs have been called "out of left field," and "a sweeping expansion of Tesla's clean energy ambitions," but they are neither. Solar roofs are not some side goof of Musk's; they've been part of his ambition all along.
If Tesla's solar roof (or the Tesla Model 3, or SolarCity) fails but demonstrates that there's a viable market, and other competitors come in to do it better, I don't know that Musk would be pleased. But the larger and more important part of his aim — to unleash consumer capitalism on the problem of sustainability — will have succeeded.

  EMN Shirts  

Occupy Mars

If you dream of visiting the Red Planet, or would like to see a colony established on Mars, then this limited edition shirt is for you! Get your Occupy Mars shirt or view the whole collection.

This Is The End

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