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sabato 3 settembre 2016

Elon Musk News - Tesla Model 3 reservations reached over 400,000 based on cash flow 🚗3⃣💰

"Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up."

Elon Musk News


Here are the top 3 stories in this issue of Elon Musk News:
  1. Tesla Model 3 reservations reached over 400,000 based on cash flow from customer deposits
  2. No complaint from SpaceX as Air Force skips competition for pair of NRO missions
  3. Hyperloop One is designing a high-speed way to travel underwater
The YouTube channel ColdFusion recently released a video titled 'The Story of Elon Musk'. The production quality is excellent, and it covers all the major milestones in Elon's life. They also have videos on Tesla, SpaceX, Powerwall, and Hyperloop which are all excellent. You can find it in the Elon Musk News section below.
Thanks for being part of this newsletter, and enjoy issue 33!
Zachary K.D.

Featured Quote

"Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up."

— Elon Musk
Quote from Business Junkee | Photo from ColdFusion

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Elon Musk News

The Story Of Elon Musk

The YouTube channel Cold Fusion recently released a video about Elon Musk. It is very well done, and highly recommended if you are just starting to learn about who Elon Musk is, and what he's done.


No complaint from SpaceX as Air Force skips competition for pair of NRO missions

The Air Force said it chose ULA due to the timing and complexity of the integration of the satellites to the rockets, unique requirements, and the need to have a certified launch vehicle by the award date. ULA is "currently the only responsible source," the notice said.
But SpaceX, which sued the Air Force in federal court in 2014 for the right to compete for national security missions, said it understood the Air Force's decision. "These particular missions had very specific technical requirements," John Taylor, a SpaceX spokesman said in an email to SpaceNews. "We worked closely with the DoD and the USAF on this action and decided jointly it was the right approach."
Read the full article | Photo from United Launch Alliance

SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets preparing for JCSAT-16 and Amos-6 launches

SpaceX is lining up its next two missions, with Falcon 9 hardware currently in pre-launch preparations for launch. In Florida, the Falcon 9 tasked with the JCSAT-16 launch is preparing for a Static Fire test on August 10, while at SpaceX's test center in Texas, the Amos-6 first stage is on the stand ready for its own engine firing ahead of shipping to the Cape.


Tesla Model 3 reservations reached over 400,000 based on cash flow from customer deposits

While it's understandably suspicious that Tesla doesn't want to update the official Model 3 reservation tally and it still refers to the 373,000 number reported in May, the company could be waiting to reach a certain round number before updating, like 500,000.
As mentioned, based on the reported cash flow from customer deposits, it's difficult to imagine Tesla holding less than 400,000 reservations for the Model 3 at the moment, likely inching closer and closer to 500,000.

Media take SEC filing risks, turn into Tesla 'Gigafactory Doomed' story

You might have read headlines over the weekend claiming that Tesla announced possible delays and higher cost for its Gigafactory in Nevada. Big Media Titans Reuters and CNBC pushed the headlines as if it was breaking news Friday night after Tesla released its 10-Q SEC filing for the second quarter 2016.
Some even claimed that Tesla released the news on Friday night in an attempt to bury it, something not unusual in the industry. The only problem is that it's not breaking news. Not even close. It's actually at least 3 months old.

Car and Driver predicts Tesla Model 3 will be 2 years late, here's why they are wrong

Tesla says it will arrive in late 2017, but in its latest issue, the popular automotive magazine Car and Driver claims the Model 3 will not arrive until late 2019, 2 years late. Car and Driver, and many others, might expect that it will be pushed further, but that's simply based on the fact that Tesla had delays before, and therefore, it should have delays again.
While some healthy skepticism on Tesla hitting the "late 2017" target is good, I think assuming that anyone would have a better idea than Tesla on when the Model 3 will hit the market is foolish.

Tesla Model X saves man's life

"A little past Highlandville it just hit where it was the most excruciating pain I've ever had." He didn't realize he was having a pulmonary embolism. Neally says he was writhing in pain, and totally distracted from driving. "I just knew I had to get there, to the ER," says Neally. So he trusted the self-driving Tesla to stay on the road, until it got near a hospital. Josh was able to drive himself the last couple of blocks to the ER.

Tesla Model S P90D with Ludicrous mode runs a quarter-mile in 10.8 seconds [Video]

After Tesla released a new version of its flagship sedan last year, the Model S P90D with Ludicrous mode, Motor Trend reported that it managed to run a quarter-mile in 10.9 seconds – making the Model S one of the rare '10- second cars' and probably the first production 4-door sedan to make it.


Hyperloop One designing underwater Hyperloops for cargo transportation

Hyperloop One, a Los Angeles-based startup developing the technology for the Hyperloop high-speed transportation system, is interested in building a Hyperloop that can travel underwater.
Peter Diamandis, a Hyperloop One board member and CEO of the X-Prize Foundation, told Business Insider that the startup is interested in using Hyperloop to transport cargo to ports 10 miles off shore. "We've been talking to a lot of the port authorities around the world about re-engineering their ports in this kind of fashion," he said.


How Hackers Use AI to Trick You Into Clicking Sketchy Links

OpenAI, an Elon Musk-backed project studying the way artificial intelligence will affect us in the future, said in July that the technology can pose a risk. "An early use of AI will be to break into computer systems," OpenAI wrote. "We'd like AI techniques to defend against sophisticated hackers making heavy use of AI methods."

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This Is The End

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giovedì 25 agosto 2016

I terremoti si possono prevedere? Il confronto tra scienza ed "eresia", ora online, gratuito.

Sette anni fa, in quella notte tremenda del 6 aprile 2009, ero a L'Aquila. Realizzai molti video, molte inchieste, molte interviste. Alcune mi valsero premi, altre finirono agli atti della Procura. Rimasi diversi mesi. Mi occupai anche di un ricercatore indipendente che, attraverso i suoi rilevatori di gas radon, sosteneva di poter prevedere l'epicentro, l'intensità e il momento di un sisma. I media lo trattavano come un ciarlatano, ma incontrai moltissime persone che giurarono che quel ricercatore aveva salvato loro la vita. Il suo nome era Giampaolo Giuliani. In seguito aprì una fondazione e ora lavora tra gli Stati Uniti, Taiwan e l'Italia.
Dal vostro desiderio di capire, e dall'assenza di qualunque informazione ufficiale in merito, nacque un documentario molto "On The Road", realizzato con una piccola videocamera. Ma con qualche donazione (e con quella piccola videocamera), riuscii a portare la scienza ufficiale, l'INGV, a dialogare con il mondo "eretico" dei ricercatori indipendenti: Antonio Piersanti, direttore di ricerca all'Istituto di Geofisica e Vulcanologia di Roma, venne in quel piccolo laboratorio di Coppito e si confrontò con Giampaolo Giuliani.
Il risultato fu un'indagine divisa in quattro parti. Nella prima, Giuliani racconta la sua storia e la storia degli eventi di quella tragica notte del 6 aprile. Nella seconda, Piersanti spiega i terremoti dal punto di vista della scienza e vi mostra il centro di elaborazione dati dell'INGV. Nella terza, è di nuovo Giuliani a portarvi nel suo laboratorio, per spiegare nel dettaglio come funziona la sua "tecnica di previsione dei terremoti". Infine, nella quarta parte, in quel piccolo laboratorio di Coppito arriva anche Piersanti, per realizzare un confronto che a quei tempi era giudicato impossibile. E, se me lo consentite, anche oggi. Un modus operandi che dovrebbe essere preso ad esempio su come affrontare le questioni controverse, in luogo della censura e in luogo della sterile divisione tra i sostenitori di tesi diverse.
Il documentario, confezionato e distribuito un DVD, è disponibile oggi gratuitamente su Youtube (di seguito i link). Ne avanzano ancora un centinaio di copie – forse meno – originali. Se qualcuno volesse averle, può fare una donazione libera, includendo anche un ragionevole costo di spedizione, e lo riceverà a casa (qui per donare con carta di credito, qui perdonare con PayPal, qui tramite bonifico , qui tramite ricarica Postepay e qui tramite bitcoin).
Un terremoto si può prevedere? Scienza e ricercatori indipendenti a confronto

Se desideri ricevere il dvd, questo è il link per effettuare la donazione:

© 2016, Tutti i diritti riservati

martedì 26 luglio 2016

Elon Musk News - Tesla Master Plan, Part Deux 📰🔋🚗

"As of 2016, the number of American car companies that haven't gone bankrupt is a grand total of two: Ford and Tesla"

Elon Musk News

TESLA MASTER PLAN, PART DEUX 📰🔋🚗  July 22nd 2016

Here are the top 3 stories in this issue of Elon Musk News:
  1. Tesla Master Plan, Part Deux
  2. Tesla's Master Plan Part Deux includes future 'compact SUV', 'a new kind of pickup' and money saving Uber-like service
  3. SpaceX Dragon cargo ship hooks up with International Space Station
On Wednesday Elon Musk published the much anticipated Tesla Master Plan part 2. If you read one article about Tesla this year, make it this one. It's an exciting look into a future where energy generation and consumption is integrated, sustainable transportation is available nearly to everyone, and driving is made 10X safer with autonomous vehicles.
Thank-you for being part of this newsletter, and enjoy issue 28!
Zachary K.D.

Featured Quote

"As of 2016, the number of American car companies that haven't gone bankrupt is a grand total of two: Ford and Tesla"

— Elon Musk
Quote from Tesla | Photo from kqedquest

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SpaceX Dragon cargo ship hooks up with International Space Station

Two days after its launch, SpaceX's Dragon cargo capsule was pulled in for its hookup to the International Space Station today as the spacecraft soared 252 miles above the California-Oregon state line. Among the nearly 5,000 pounds of cargo were the first DNA sequencer destined for use in space, and a 5-foot-wide docking adapter that will accommodate future commercial space taxis – including an upgraded version of the uncrewed Dragon that pulled in today.
"We've captured us a Dragon," said NASA astronaut Jeff Williams, who grappled the capsule with the station's robotic arm. "We look forward to the work it brings."
Read the full article | Photo from NASA TV

How Will SpaceX Get Us To Mars? [Video]

Check out this great video by Real Engineering which outlines SpaceX's journey to Mars. Watch it here
Photo from Real Engineering

Watch All 5 SpaceX Rocket Landings in This Epic Video

SpaceX nailed its fifth successful rocket landing in a brilliant overnight flight today (July 18), and to celebrate we've combined all five of the private spaceflight company's booster landings into this single awesome video.


Master Plan, Part Deux

Written by Elon Musk, the 'Master Plan, Part Deux' outlines the future of Tesla.
Part of the reason I wrote the first master plan was to defend against the inevitable attacks Tesla would face accusing us of just caring about making cars for rich people, implying that we felt there was a shortage of sports car companies or some other bizarre rationale. Unfortunately, the blog didn't stop countless attack articles on exactly these grounds, so it pretty much completely failed that objective.
However, the main reason was to explain how our actions fit into a larger picture, so that they would seem less random. The point of all this was, and remains, accelerating the advent of sustainable energy, so that we can imagine far into the future and life is still good. That's what "sustainable" means. It's not some silly, hippy thing -- it matters for everyone.
So, in short, Master Plan, Part Deux is:
  • Create stunning solar roofs with seamlessly integrated battery storage
  • Expand the electric vehicle product line to address all major segments
  • Develop a self-driving capability that is 10X safer than manual via massive fleet learning
  • Enable your car to make money for you when you aren't using it

Tesla's Master Plan Part Deux includes future 'compact SUV', 'a new kind of pickup' and money saving Uber-like service

Elon Musk's highly anticipated "Master Plan Part 2" is chock full of interesting new, but vague details on Tesla's plans but probably one of the most exciting is the new SUV and pickup consumer vehicles included.
We've known for quite awhile that Tesla was working on a compact SUV, dubbed the Model Y, that would be built on the Model 3 platform. Musk himself Tweet-stormed about it and even hinted that it might have the Falcon Wing doors of its bigger Model X cousin.

Tesla could be hiding something in its v8.0 update if it's really the 'biggest to date'

Since we first reported on Tesla's v8.0 software update being tested in beta, the company has been pushing a few new versions prior to the wide release in order to refine the improvements – primarily to the Autopilot – but a recent comment by CEO Elon Musk raises an interesting question.

Tesla plans a 'shared autonomous fleet' for owners to make money off their car

As part of the reveal of his 'Master Plan Part 2', CEO Elon Musk elaborated on the automaker's plan for the role of car ownership and ride-sharing in the future of the company. Musk confirmed that once Tesla achieves full autonomy and it is approved by regulators (2 to 3 years based on his previous statements), the automaker plans for Tesla owners to be able to loan their car to a 'shared autonomous fleet' and make money while they are not using it.
He also added that Tesla will operate its own fleet parallel to the Tesla owners shared fleet in cities "where demand exceeds the supply of customer-owned cars". It will ensure that people using the app will always be able to hail a ride.

Elon Musk sees a future where everyone can own a Tesla

A quote attributed to writer William Gibson posits that "the future is already here, it's just not very evenly distributed." Well, Tesla co-founder and CEO Elon Musk just told us when that will change — at least when it comes to car ownership. More precisely, he said that by 2022, nearly everyone will be able to afford a Tesla, but here's the catch: They won't need to.


Hyperloop One Fires Back With Its Own Wild Lawsuit

The legal battle threatening the very future of Hyperloop just got nastier. Today, Hyperloop One countersued its co-founder and former CTO Brogan BamBrogan and three others, with a story full of shouting, sexist remarks, inebriation, and an attempted mutiny.
Last week, BamBrogan and three colleagues sued Hyperloop One and four executives, accusing them of everything from breach of fiduciary duty to violating labor laws to inflicting emotional duress. Among other things, the suit—which really is insane—alleges that general counsel Afshin Pishevar left a noose on BamBrogan's desk and co-founder Shervin Pishevar wildly overpaid his fiancée. The countersuit is no less crazy, offering a rebuttal to every allegation.

Thyssenkrupp Reimagines the Elevator as a Hyperloop for Buildings

Imagine an elevator that moves without attached cables, and can travel horizontally or vertically, sharing a shaft with several other cabs. That is the vision of German industrial conglomerate Thyssenkrupp AG, which aims to use magnetic-levitation technology to revolutionize a business that has essentially delivered the same product for over a century.


Elon Musk now convinced Tesla-SolarCity merger will pass after talking to major investors

Despite the strong negative media reaction to Tesla's proposed acquisition of SolarCity and subsequent 10% stock price decrease, Elon Musk now says that he is convinced the merger will pass after talking to the companies' major investors. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal (Paywall), the CEO confirmed that he has been meeting with Tesla's biggest shareholders and mutual funds:
"The most informed investors are highly supportive of the transaction," Mr. Musk said. As of last week, he said he had "yet to talk to an investor after I have fully explained the situation and not had them support it."

This Is The End

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